It’s fresh, Local, Healthy and you grew it!
Gardening is fun and easy when approached with the right equipment, knowledge and attitude. Gardening no longer has to be only in the outdoors, and can now easily be brought inside. This is especially great for people who live in cold climates, those who live in apartments and those who want to freshen up their home with live plants and all the health benefits they create. Use this guide to help you create a garden in any space, for any budget.
Choose from the gardens on this page, or click through these simple explanations of how gardens work, and what products fit for you and your budget.
One of our favourite places for a garden is the kitchen. Adding a bright and lush herb garden will take your kitchen space from drab utility to a vibrant space that the whole family will enjoy. Gardens can be self contained on a spare counter area, with lights and garden all in one, or grow lights can be installed under cupboards to create that seamless look. Fluorescent lights work best, as they are low heat, and give off an appealing daylight.
Living room:
An easy place to garden in the home, the living room is where you spend a lot of time. Having live plants in this part of your home can clean the air and add a fresh modern look. Use potted plants of ivy, or succulent plants for easy green effect, or plant a small chilli pepper of cherry tomato plant with a light to get an edible splash of life to your most used space.
Pair a Table top light with a click and grow to get an easy garden that looks great!